
Thoughts behind the VBCW force

As I put in my previous post, this will explain my thinking behind my VBCW force and why I have chosen what units to include and also where they will sit in the overall VBCW story line.  We’ll start with the easy bit, the list; The leader is a 2nd Lieutenant with pistol, because you need an officer to lead and a small force like this would be lead by a junior officer.  There will also be a Medic with pistol, because who would want to go to battle with out one? Plus you get an extra order dice for other units to use.   Next up are two Regular Infantry squads each with 8 men including a LMG team, so six rifles and an LMG team. They are formed of eight men in order to free up some models to act as the officer and medic, plus some other positions such as attendants for the officer and medic if needed. They LMG is there to give some extra firepower to the squads.  The Rolls Royce Armoured car brings the heavier firepower. Nothing to heavy, it still only sports a MMG but I could upgrade it t

VBCW force

 So it’s been a while since I posted on this new blog, but I have been pondering and planning my VBCW and Bolt Action forces. I still need to talk to my local gaming group to find out exactly what rules and point or force sizes that they run for VBCW games but I’m going to start off building to the force below. This is a very basic force and I’ll go in to more details about why I choose the units I have in another post, but there is a reason for the choices.  So what is the force?  2nd Lieutenant with pistol (50) Medic with pistol (23) Regular Infantry with 8 men including a LMG team (100) Regular Infantry with 8 men including a LMG team (100) Roll Royce Armoured car  (70) 15cwt Truck (31) The numbers in brackets are the Bolt Action points values for each unit. The total points for this force, in its current state is 374 points. This is quite a small force and I could easily increase it to 500 points by the addition of another infantry squad and additional man for the medic or 2Lt. Bot

1st post

 Ok, let's get this out there quickly. This blog is a side project to my main blog, the 265th Imperial Battle Group, and will be a very slow blog, with only a very few posts every so often when I come up with new ideas for my small Very British Civil War and early war Bolt Action force.   This First post is primarily just to get a post down here and make it "active". The site will change and evolve over the next few weeks and months as I get time to sit and get my ideas down on paper. Hopefully this might be of use to someone somewhere but I suspect that it won't but then that's not the point, the point is to just have somewhere to ramble on and if you want to listen to my ramblings or even join in, then your very welcome!